For the production of dairy products, confectionery, pasta, margarine, mayonnaise, vegetable oils, meat sausages, baked goods, processed cereals and snacks, ice cream, fruit juices, sauces, dressings, medications and cosmetics.
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The greenish-yellow active ingredient, curcumin, is extracted for food coloring.
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Blue Corn
Natural dyes are extracted from various plant sources that ensure the use of health-friendly colors, and many of the plant-derived compounds responsible for natural hues also offer nutritional value.
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The hibiscus flower coloring consists of anthocyanins that are stabilized and extracted in powder form.
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Stabilized carminic acid that does NOT change color.
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Annatto - Achiote
The seed contains pigments called bixin and norbixin, which are insoluble and soluble in water respectively.